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Meet Rhonda Spearman Sims
Rhonda Spearman Sims was born and raised in Pelzer, South Carolina. As a child, she always loved writing poems, songs, and stories. Her dream was to become a best-selling author and to write a novel that would eventually be made into a movie.
She married her high school sweetheart directly after graduation. Ten years and two children later, the marriage ended. After a short time of being single, she married again. This time she married her “soulmate” and had another child. Some time passed and she had to have 3 consecutive surgeries. She became addicted to opioids and was taking over 50 pills daily. The pills were her first thought of the day and her last thought of the day. As much as she and her soulmate loved each other, being on the painkillers caused a strain in their marriage that unfortunately, the marriage couldn’t withstand. That marriage eventually ended as well.
Rhonda Spearman Sims and the Magic of Storytelling
After being addicted for the better part of two decades, she asked for help and after many months of a lot of work and praying, she was finally free. God helped her to get through all that darkness and back to the light in her life, her family and friends.
She enrolled in some creative writing classes at a nearby technical college and attempted to continue writing.
In 2021, she contracted covid19, and vowed, if she lived through that horrible disease, she would finish her book. Well, she completed her book and had it published in November of 2022.
Rhonda recently had it republished with a firm that has substantial marketing opportunities. She is praying that by teaming up with this company, her dreams will come true.